One16 Version 2.2.0 Released Cover

Jul 11, 2024

One16 Version 2.2.0 Released

We released version 2.2.0 to the App Store. This update has been a long time coming. We updated our business model from paid up front to freemium.

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One16 Version 2.1.0 Released Cover

Apr 9, 2024

One16 Version 2.1.0 Released

Today we released version 2.1.0 of One16. This is a minor release that includes bug fixes and quality of life improvements. We are excited to get this into your hands!

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One16 Version 2 Released Cover

Mar 3, 2024

One16 Version 2 Released

Woodworking is fun. Math is not. Making the most of our precious time in the shop is critical. One16 can help. One16 was designed to respect your time, reduce errors, and make mundane math operations less painful.

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